
Community Explorer
Jan 19, 2021 9:33:13 AM
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Our university must obtain specific course information for the accreditation process. We are able to obtain what is needed in Classic Quizzes' reporting options. However, we are unable to do so wi...
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Thank you sooo much!!
Likes: 2
Problem statement: When clicking the pathway under Pathway progress, viewers should see a list of students, not the pathway flow. Group progress>Badge Progress> Clicking any badge allows viewers...
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  I am attempting to help a client build an exam, but fill in the blanks does not seem to be working today... 
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I am having the same problem- I am using new quizzes. I have tried all of the same options as above. Please help?
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Problem statement: When clicking the pathway under Pathway progress, viewers should see a list of students, not the pathway flow. Group progress>Badge Progress> Clicking any badge allows viewers...
Apr 06, 2023 07:30 AM
Thank you sooo much!!
Sep 21, 2022 17:15 PM
  I am attempting to help a client build an exam, but fill in the blanks does not seem to be working today... 
Sep 21, 2022 10:55 AM
I am having the same problem- I am using new quizzes. I have tried all of the same options as above. Please help?
Sep 21, 2022 10:05 AM
THis is one of the best  and most useful ideas I have seen. I see that this idea is older. DOes anyone know if any updates have been made?
Aug 24, 2022 16:15 PM

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