
Michelle Meazell
Community Contributor
Master of All and Controller of Little
Apr 4, 2016 8:21:39 AM
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I lift heavy, punch hard, and do not tolerate a lack of good ice tea.

Most Liked Posts

This is an excellent resource! Thank you!
Likes: 16
I really feel like the Quizzes 2.0.. Quizzes.next is the great illusive pandicorn and will never believe it is real until it is fully here and deployed.  Been waiting for a year. Attempted to pilot/be...
Likes: 13
After arriving on Monday, my secret agent Mom and I took to the trails and paths and have successfully gotten in about 40K worth of steps!  We have hiked along the Snake River and the roads both Monda...
Likes: 7
I'll be solo-ish. My workmates will be there but they usually bring spouses or kids, so I'm the odd duck out that leaves her husband behind so that I can get a break from the chaos     
Likes: 6
Do I need to bring my mat with me??
Likes: 6

Most Recent Posts

I am looking for some guidance for Advisors (departments, colleges) on tracking at-risk students in Canvas.  We have several of our colleges interested in what Canvas can offer them in terms of tracki...
Jan 23, 2023 13:37 PM
What I just learned from our campus admin via CSM was that if any quizzes were created in that plus or minus two days from when that disastrous MathJax code was released around October 17th - that'...
Dec 03, 2020 13:19 PM
Our Math department is seeing a lot of issues with the equation editor and it is making exams/quizzes a mess and I cannot help them.  Today is the Math Processing error when students were taking quizz...
Dec 03, 2020 09:00 AM
Any update on this? I just encountered this but the instructors did not use a late policy in either instance. They were manually graded quizzes (math) and in one instance two students who had the poin...
Oct 19, 2020 08:15 AM
Man,  I really miss the quickness of getting folks engaged in posts but I guess Canvas growth has really cut down in what used to be so great about the Community and Support.  Disappointing.  Guess we...
Sep 16, 2020 08:32 AM

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