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Jan 26, 2021 9:05:30 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Problem statement:
There aren't enough options in regard to gradebook settings for late work submission--daily and hourly are not useable for many asynchronous/diverse educational institution sche...
Re: I am having trouble with my Canvas gradebook auto-populating students' retake scores on quizzes.
I have been playing with it & trying to figure out this issue through trial-and-error. And, I think I've got it (based on some feedback above). Apparently, when I put in zeros directly into th...
Re: I am having trouble with my Canvas gradebook auto-populating students' retake scores on quizzes.
Yes, thanks, I warn them at least 2-days in advance before entering zeros. Very often those not doing the work are those not checking their messages/coming to class (my district is allowing Remote lea...
Re: I am having trouble with my Canvas gradebook auto-populating students' retake scores on quizzes.
Yes, I'm entering them directly into the gradebook (if I don't put zeros in, students don't think they need to complete the work). Thanks for sharing your insights/experience...so, do you ...
Hello and thank you for your time,
I am having trouble with my Canvas gradebook auto-populating students' retake scores on quizzes after I've manually entered a Zero into the gradebook for mis...
Most Recent Posts
Problem statement:
There aren't enough options in regard to gradebook settings for late work submission--daily and hourly are not useable for many asynchronous/diverse educational institution sche...
Re: I am having trouble with my Canvas gradebook auto-populating students' retake scores on quizzes.
I have been playing with it & trying to figure out this issue through trial-and-error. And, I think I've got it (based on some feedback above). Apparently, when I put in zeros directly into th...
Re: I am having trouble with my Canvas gradebook auto-populating students' retake scores on quizzes.
Yes, thanks, I warn them at least 2-days in advance before entering zeros. Very often those not doing the work are those not checking their messages/coming to class (my district is allowing Remote lea...
Re: I am having trouble with my Canvas gradebook auto-populating students' retake scores on quizzes.
Yes, I'm entering them directly into the gradebook (if I don't put zeros in, students don't think they need to complete the work). Thanks for sharing your insights/experience...so, do you ...
Hello and thank you for your time,
I am having trouble with my Canvas gradebook auto-populating students' retake scores on quizzes after I've manually entered a Zero into the gradebook for mis...
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