
Adam Rynell Åhlén
Community Explorer
Instructional Designer
Feb 1, 2021 12:08:11 AM
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Instructional Designer at Luleå University of Technology

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This would be great! Our University is going to start using Inspera for digital exams and would need this function!
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Hi! I wonder, what is the difference between final score and assessment score in speedgrader? I have made I quiz and the final score and assessment score shows different things for some of the student...
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We need this!
Aug 23, 2022 00:27 AM
This would be great! Our University is going to start using Inspera for digital exams and would need this function!
Aug 08, 2022 05:06 AM
Hi! I wonder, what is the difference between final score and assessment score in speedgrader? I have made I quiz and the final score and assessment score shows different things for some of the student...
Sep 01, 2021 07:41 AM

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