[Assignments] Recover Assignment Page Past Edits

Currently, as an instructor, after we make changes on an assignment page and hit save, we can't recover it. That would be interesting to have access to either a history of edits (version control?) or at least recover from the previous saved version (before the last edit made by mistake).

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Community Participant

would love this to be a feature too.

Community Member

Yes, please!

Community Participant

This would be crucially helpful to be able to easily restore past versions of an assignment! Especially for institutions like mine that have multiple instructional designers building course content, plus faculty making edits along the way, having a version history like we have with Pages would save a lot of hassle!

Community Participant

We need this! We are now working with around 15 people on 1 course, it's like a Bermuda triangle in there... They absolutely need more training, but I've seen it happen firsthand now with the accidental overwrites, it's a nightmare!

They have now gone back to developing in Word and building Canvas later, which I don't think is something we should aspire to...

Community Explorer

We need this!

Community Member

This is a very long overdue feature! Please add it to save teachers the time and stress of an absent undo button.

Community Member

We need this aswell!

Community Explorer

yes, please develop an Assignments History feature

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