
Community Participant
May 12, 2017 6:12:55 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I understand, during the first week of add/drop as students are adding a course, Canvas will not automatically randomly assign them to a group. The system requires the instructor enter and activate th...
Likes: 2
Yes, since 2016 this issue remains unsolved. Accommodation isn't possible with the inability to unlock modules prematurely for individual students. Students are: *needing ADA accommodation for ear...
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Military students on deployment, employment travel demands, medical crises....my graduate students (re: adults) have justified reasons for not moving linearly through coursework at times and need the ...
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Time to move from "Open to Conversation" to "In Development."Introduced in 8-2018 with only comments pleading for it to be instituted suggests it is a feature one's time has come. 
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Military folks deployed; unplanned surgeries ahead; hurricanes are expected....all sorts of real world problems on the horizon calling for individuals to have access to modules prior to the rest of th...
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Most Recent Posts

Yes, since 2016 this issue remains unsolved. Accommodation isn't possible with the inability to unlock modules prematurely for individual students. Students are: *needing ADA accommodation for ear...
Feb 04, 2022 08:53 AM
Military students on deployment, employment travel demands, medical crises....my graduate students (re: adults) have justified reasons for not moving linearly through coursework at times and need the ...
Jun 30, 2021 16:47 PM
Time to move from "Open to Conversation" to "In Development."Introduced in 8-2018 with only comments pleading for it to be instituted suggests it is a feature one's time has come. 
Nov 15, 2020 14:04 PM
I give a syllabus quiz. Getting an answer wrong, such as, "when is the assignment due?" will prove detrimental to the student's subsequent grade. Therefore, I would like the students to be...
Jun 07, 2020 11:06 AM
I understand, during the first week of add/drop as students are adding a course, Canvas will not automatically randomly assign them to a group. The system requires the instructor enter and activate th...
Jun 03, 2020 08:57 AM

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