
Tim Maw
Community Champion
Instructional Designer
Jul 26, 2016 10:43:14 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas        Idea open for vote Wed. October 5, 2016 - Wed. January 4, 2017  Learn more about voting... I think it would be helpful for there to by an op...
Likes: 126
I know there are several good ideas about improving the HTML editor including making it easier to read the HTML. I think one thing that would be beneficial is to have my cursor remain on the same spot...
Likes: 120
Are you able to see the quiz statistics when all of the student enrollments in a course are concluded? I have been looking and it does not appear so. When there is at least one active student in the c...
Likes: 6
The course I am looking at specifically has not been concluded, rather the students' enrollments within the course have been concluded. If I restore a student's enrollment within a course like...
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Here is an example of our homepage template. It is catered more to our needs as a competency based institution and gives the students a lot of information they may need in their current course or duri...
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We keep having this request come up, please try and make this a thing. I have a lot of frustrated faculty.
Feb 09, 2022 11:55 AM
This would be really nice and make knowing what to do right away easier.
Feb 09, 2022 11:14 AM
This is extremely helpful. I have a frustrated instructor wanting to be able to do this and they do not like having to manually add points later as bonus questions.
Feb 01, 2022 16:25 PM
Wow, I had no idea this was even a thing. I see your point of it being a distraction. I also wonder if there are other hidden features in Canvas.
Oct 15, 2021 11:46 AM
This would be excellent as sometimes it can be hard to find the course I'm looking for if I don't search correclty.
Oct 06, 2021 16:20 PM

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