Kristie Benefield
Community Novice
Sep 3, 2015 6:10:10 AM
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Hi! I'm Kris, and I'm a former Rhetoric & Composition Professor (Higher Ed) and Secondary-level English teacher turned Instructional Designer in central IT at Penn State.
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Hello fellow, ID's! @zal5010 and I gave a short presentation about Canvas HTML (tips & tricks, code snippets, general recommendations, etc.) to a group of local Instructional Designers...
Note: Apologies, but the schedule was removed before I had a chance to note all of the presenter names, so I'll update this with the appropriate @ mentions as soon as the session info is avail...
This is great! Thanks for sharing!
I was a first-time attendee this year, and I had a wonderful time at InstructureCon! I learned a lot, met some great people, and really enjoyed the experience overall. A few more specific pros/cons/su...
I've noticed this too because of the HUGE spacing that would happen whenever a header had to wrap around (especially on smaller screen sizes). So, I started using the "line-height" attribu...
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Note: Apologies, but the schedule was removed before I had a chance to note all of the presenter names, so I'll update this with the appropriate @ mentions as soon as the session info is avail...
I was a first-time attendee this year, and I had a wonderful time at InstructureCon! I learned a lot, met some great people, and really enjoyed the experience overall. A few more specific pros/cons/su...
Hi there! I had to miss this session nuras196, but I am SUPER interested in using this tool or something similar at our university. Is there any chance you'll be sharing your slides or some other ...
I agree! This was great, and I don't have tableau, but I'd love to examine some of the data visualization examples from the session in more detail.
FYI: The link to instructions for what to do if badges don't show up on your profile is broken (at least for me). It says "Access to this place or content is restricted. If you think this is a...
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Instructure Community: 9 Year
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