Sharon Kitching
Community Contributor
Aug 1, 2017 6:38:23 AM
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Educational designer at the University of Sydney, Australia.
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Try this<h2 style="color: #686868; position: absolute; padding: 1rem; z-index: 9999; background: #ECECEC; margin-top: 0rem;"><span style="color: #333333;">TITLE HER...
There is no way to 'lock' navigation without custom scripts - other than 'home' at the top. I'd suggest templates on your sub-accounts if you want to make a suggestion. Most people...
In your site, go to 'settings', go to bottom of page, under 'More options' is the option to turn announcements on. Will appear on whatever is nominated as front page. 2 is a good numbe...
I think you may find that these are an unintended consequence of the last update. We logged it as a bug. They seem to be showing where there are spaces at the end of links etc. I found editing links f...
Well if the new 'menu' doesn't make your blood run cold, nothing will. Why is 'Settings' and 'Studio' not following the same rules? Neither are available to students, but t...
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Update - It seems this issues might be related to the Rubric Redesign. We had it disabled on our PROD server, and we locked it off, the pages loading (also people & groups loading) issue resolve...
I believe this is a known issue at the moment - report to Canvas and get added to the watchlist for when it is fixed. https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Known-Issues/OPEN-Submit-the-Assignment-or-Sco...
We have noticed that 'view all Pages' is not loading (beyond the first page) , Groups are not loading (if more than a page) and also the People page (regardless of it is disabled). It looks li...
That looks like your Safari Apple Mail alerts. Not Canvas. And absolutely nothing to do with Commons on Canvas.
We 'solved' this issue with 'role-based users' that multiple people could log in as. Cheap shortcut for your helpdesk doing updates, masquerade as the user and you never have to rememb...
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