Disable self-sign-up for student groups.

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I would like to disable self-sign-up for student groups. There is a guideline for this, but it isn’t working—I am unable to save after unticking the "Allow self-sign-up" box.

Do you have any advice on how to resolve this issue?

Thank you!

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @FerdinandOswald,

If I have understood you, I have been able to duplicate your problem.

  1. created a group set
  2. while creating the group set, I set it so "Allow self sign-up" is enabled
  3. after creating the group set, I have tried to disable "Allow self sign-up" and I cannot

I would recommend that you follow your institution's normal support process (which may or may not provide you with the ability to contact Canvas Support directly) so that Canvas can fix this problem.  This is something that I will be doing as well.

Is there anything else?


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