
Michael Skipp
Community Member
Jul 2, 2021 8:50:06 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

Ok, sorted now. I just hadn't set the points in the assessment write-up. 
Likes: 1
Students simply unable to upload word or google documents. As usual I have no idea what the problem is. 
Likes: 0
The student view for my published course is blank. No modules, no assignments, no nothing. Every time I go to do something on Canvas seems like another technical issue to resolve. Is there any actual ...
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Thank you!!
Likes: 0
Hi. I can't find any information on how to embed a Google Slides or PP presentation directly into a page so that it is not a link and each slide appears as a page for the students to read. Is this...
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Most Recent Posts

Students simply unable to upload word or google documents. As usual I have no idea what the problem is. 
Nov 07, 2021 17:59 PM
The student view for my published course is blank. No modules, no assignments, no nothing. Every time I go to do something on Canvas seems like another technical issue to resolve. Is there any actual ...
Oct 12, 2021 15:56 PM
Thank you!!
Sep 09, 2021 19:37 PM
Hi. I can't find any information on how to embed a Google Slides or PP presentation directly into a page so that it is not a link and each slide appears as a page for the students to read. Is this...
Sep 09, 2021 19:05 PM
Ok, sorted now. I just hadn't set the points in the assessment write-up. 
Sep 02, 2021 19:50 PM

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