Jill Mallek
Community Participant
Manager, Learning Systems
Jan 7, 2016 12:19:20 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas
For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2021-10-16) .
With the new Gradebook, you can apply one of these status item...
Hi, I just had a professor call me. He mutes his exams while grading them, because he adjusts up and down based on how many missed a question. He switched over to Quizzes.Next, and we found that it do...
We would like to see a new option in the Quizzes.Next settings where a professor could limit results to only show incorrect or correct responses to the students when they look at the quiz results. (Re...
I would love to see it, if it's still available.jillmallek@suu.edu
It's definitely still clunky. I just went over the results with a faculty member who ran the quiz in a live class, and definitely found some issues.This is what it looks like today for us though:M...
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I just actually clicked the second link you provided, and that is neat. I hadn't realized you could adjust based on the multiplier. I still would love to see how long the quiz timer is on this scr...
Sorry, the form to submit an idea didn't seem to have a place to put a picture, for clarity.
This is just a parity issue. This is what it looks like in Classic Quizzes:
In New Quizzes, it doesn&...
Problem statement:
New Quizzes is missing parity in displaying quiz time for extending time while Moderating a student. With Classic Quizzes, when you extend the time of a student, for example with an...
@Steven_S I see what you're getting at now! I like New Quizzes, but there are definitely huge issues. The integration is a major issue, and it's one of two reasons I have issues recommendi...
@Steven_S Mine has to do with the Moderation, which is within the New Quizzes. If you use Moderation to give another attempt, you then have to turn on Allow multiple attempts, even if the students...
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