Hi, I just had a professor call me. He mutes his exams while grading them, because he adjusts up and down based on how many missed a question. He switched over to Quizzes.Next, and we found that it does not mute the student's ability to see the quiz in Quizzes.Next.
There is a restricting for if and when they can see their quiz, but this means he has to turn it on when he mutes the assignment and then turn it off when he unmutes it. We would love to see either muting the assignment fully mute it or give an option to hide the quiz results while muted.
As it currently stands, this is what the student sees:
In the grades, he sees the bell for it being muted:

But when he clicks on the assignment's name, he sees this:

As a note, this is possible in Quizzes Classic. It mutes their ability to see it, so we would just like to see that transferred down. Thanks!