
Community Member
Sep 29, 2021 11:37:17 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Do we have an anticipated date for launch? Trying to be patient, but eager to get this feature finally going!
Likes: 2
Problem statement: The learning mastery gradebook does not calculate an overall average of a student and their progress for the overall course. Proposed solution: We are needing a "total grade...
Likes: 0
Did you get an answer to this question? I feel like you are referring to the Learning Mastery Gradebook within Canvas and wanting to see just that (and not the traditional grade book).  Is that correc...
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So we are doing something similar with assignments by adding the rubric to attach the outcomes and then scoring it like we are using the rubric. My question centers around those teachers who want to u...
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Can you help me understand how to use solely Mastery Connect with alignment? When doing an assignment with a rubric, it doesn't make sense to have kids type an "essay" in Mastery Connect, ...
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Most Recent Posts

Problem statement: The learning mastery gradebook does not calculate an overall average of a student and their progress for the overall course. Proposed solution: We are needing a "total grade...
Jan 29, 2025 13:59 PM
Did you get an answer to this question? I feel like you are referring to the Learning Mastery Gradebook within Canvas and wanting to see just that (and not the traditional grade book).  Is that correc...
Nov 04, 2024 18:08 PM
So we are doing something similar with assignments by adding the rubric to attach the outcomes and then scoring it like we are using the rubric. My question centers around those teachers who want to u...
Aug 09, 2024 05:39 AM
Can you help me understand how to use solely Mastery Connect with alignment? When doing an assignment with a rubric, it doesn't make sense to have kids type an "essay" in Mastery Connect, ...
May 21, 2024 17:48 PM
Do we have an anticipated date for launch? Trying to be patient, but eager to get this feature finally going!
Sep 20, 2022 12:20 PM

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