Renee Denham
Community Member
Nov 3, 2021 11:01:56 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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I agree with this comment. It would be hugely valuable if anyone with say an instructor role in the course the commons resource was created from could have the ability to update the relevant items in ...
I was trying to find a list of the supported file types. I found https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/What-types-of-files-can-be-previewed-in-Canvas/ta-p/607 however, I wasn't sure ...
I haven't seen anything back yet - is there a specific email address their communications would come from? I could see if it got caught in my junk mail.
would also find this hugely useful, ability to save comments as generic (so available across all your courses / assignments) or being able to group or tag the comments, and a setting in speedgrader wh...
This would be HUGELY valuable. either having a "Send To" option to share a comment library with select individual, like how Pages etc can be shared, or having an option in SpeedGrader when you...
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I agree with this comment. It would be hugely valuable if anyone with say an instructor role in the course the commons resource was created from could have the ability to update the relevant items in ...
I was trying to find a list of the supported file types. I found https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/What-types-of-files-can-be-previewed-in-Canvas/ta-p/607 however, I wasn't sure ...
I haven't seen anything back yet - is there a specific email address their communications would come from? I could see if it got caught in my junk mail.
would also find this hugely useful, ability to save comments as generic (so available across all your courses / assignments) or being able to group or tag the comments, and a setting in speedgrader wh...
This would be HUGELY valuable. either having a "Send To" option to share a comment library with select individual, like how Pages etc can be shared, or having an option in SpeedGrader when you...
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