
Kenny Hirschmann
Community Novice
Jan 13, 2016 11:00:53 AM
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As a Senior Learning Designer at the Columbia CTL, Kenny works closely with faculty and administrators, primarily at the Jewish Theological Seminary. Projects he has worked on include developing a large web-based repository of Torah Commentary and other digital media; transforming courses into a blended model; developing a website designed to track and visualize Jewish books in time and place; selecting and implementing a new learning management system; and helping to plan, manage, and support two cohorts of an inter-institutional faculty development program. Additionally, Kenny helps design professional development for faculty and colleagues, including facilitating several workshops and presentations.

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The new admin course search is a big improvement over the previous search in a number of ways.  However, course code is no longer visible in the results which makes identifying multiple results diffic...
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I had a 30 minute call with Taylor Burke.  He's setting up a demo for me.Taylor Burke, Esq.Senior Director, Accessibility & ConsultingBlackboard | Education ServicesP: 202.303.9328taylor.burke...
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This is great.  I wonder how many other "easter eggs" there are in Canvas.  Still, it makes me wonder why they make claims about how challenging it is to add this functionality when it's a...
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I would add a suggest that group leaders should be able to open up a conversation with all group members in one click instead of having to add all group members one at a time to a conversation.  Teach...
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From an administrator perspective, it would be helpful to be able to search across courses for a particular PDF that might be used in other courses.
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Most Recent Posts

From an administrator perspective, it would be helpful to be able to search across courses for a particular PDF that might be used in other courses.
Dec 18, 2018 14:10 PM
 @steve_simpson  I'm unsure what use case you have in mind.  Are you talking about snapping a picture using the web cam?  That's a very limited use case for what this feature is supposed t...
Nov 05, 2018 16:36 PM
Perhaps so, but I'm not talking about assignments, I'm talking about announcements.
Oct 22, 2018 10:46 AM
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but I don't understand why Discussions - Moderate needs to be checked in order to create announcements.  I thought the whole point of this request was ...
Oct 22, 2018 09:48 AM
Renee,It's been over a year since most browsers block flash.  This really needs to be a priority.  We are experiencing major problems administering exams that incorporate media recording.
Aug 28, 2018 08:49 AM

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