Michael Sewell
Community Member
Nov 17, 2021 6:47:16 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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I understand your desire to narrow the focus, but you are asking customers to elaborate on e.g. widening the highway, but only for one particular intersection. But the highway needs to be widened for...
No thanks. That is just enough effort to push me back into hiding. I'll abandon my idea for improvement. Whether it is 1 or 4 requests, it all stems from a single weakness with the current stat...
Good questions...
As an admin, I wanted visibility into when learner activity is happening (not sign in activity but actual course progress activity). I've had theories about whether the activity...
It would be extremely useful to report on when learners are actually completing their courses (Date/Timestamp). Another report that may suffice is to run a report on when learners are marked CONCLUDE...
Learner navigates to their multi-module course (the HOME page not their GRADES page) and sees a list of all their assignments inside the course. For each assignment page they accessed,...
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I understand your desire to narrow the focus, but you are asking customers to elaborate on e.g. widening the highway, but only for one particular intersection. But the highway needs to be widened for...
No thanks. That is just enough effort to push me back into hiding. I'll abandon my idea for improvement. Whether it is 1 or 4 requests, it all stems from a single weakness with the current stat...
Good questions...
As an admin, I wanted visibility into when learner activity is happening (not sign in activity but actual course progress activity). I've had theories about whether the activity...
It would be extremely useful to report on when learners are actually completing their courses (Date/Timestamp). Another report that may suffice is to run a report on when learners are marked CONCLUDE...
Learner navigates to their multi-module course (the HOME page not their GRADES page) and sees a list of all their assignments inside the course. For each assignment page they accessed,...
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