
Community Participant
Jan 14, 2016 2:55:33 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Please add this feature.  I have my class of 300 divided into groups and one set of groups who is participating in class just has to take a picture of their work and turn it in.  I created an assignme...
Likes: 4
Is there anyway to print from new quizzes yet?  I built my first quiz of the term in new quizzes and would like to be able to create a pdf file with all of the questions so we can go through them as a...
Likes: 2
I am having this same issue as well.  I am grading the free response questions in a new quiz and hitting update at the bottom when I am done. At the top of Speedgrader, I see Results 100% and at the b...
Likes: 1
This would be soooo helpful...did it every get incorporated.  How do I select more than one imported assignment at a time to move into my assignment groups for a new course?
Likes: 1
I have a similar question.  I want to duplicate who the assignment is assigned to.  I have to create a separate quiz for students who are participating asynchronously in my course.  I wanted to create...
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Most Recent Posts

I am having this same issue as well.  I am grading the free response questions in a new quiz and hitting update at the bottom when I am done. At the top of Speedgrader, I see Results 100% and at the b...
Apr 15, 2024 09:28 AM
I have been asking about this for a long time.  I was so hopeful that the response marked "solution" was actually a solution to the issue of automatically releasing answers after the due date....
Oct 25, 2023 12:03 PM
We had that issue on and exam tonight! So how can be ensure that this is resolved?
Sep 28, 2021 19:35 PM
I agree that this is really needed.  Having to turn answers after every homework (~ 35 times a semester) takes a lot of time and energy.
Sep 08, 2021 07:51 AM
Thank you on behalf of those of use who do not know API nor have the time to dig into it.
Aug 25, 2021 13:15 PM

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