
Karen Matson
Community Explorer
Instructional Designer
Jan 12, 2022 8:47:32 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

I did a test today and it appears to be fixed. Can anyone else confirm that this appears to be working correctly; you can reply from either Reply button and the post will nest correctly?Thank you,Kare...
Likes: 1
This is a known issue. the engineers are working on it. We are wondering if there are any updates on this issue. Thank you,Karen Matson
Likes: 1
Hi Chris,We are reaching out to Instructure to figure out why there is such a difference, I appreciate that advice. My guess is it must count them in each course instance rather than as unique users i...
Likes: 1
I want to put two questions at the end of the video and the only way it appears that I can do that is to watch the entire video to that point and click the start / stop button to get the + sign to...
Likes: 0
Our students can't advance their instructional videos to a given point in the video like 4:36 minute mark. This may be a PC thing, not sure of our Mac users. We are getting lots of complaints that...
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Most Recent Posts

I want to put two questions at the end of the video and the only way it appears that I can do that is to watch the entire video to that point and click the start / stop button to get the + sign to...
Mar 15, 2024 17:11 PM
Our students can't advance their instructional videos to a given point in the video like 4:36 minute mark. This may be a PC thing, not sure of our Mac users. We are getting lots of complaints that...
Feb 09, 2024 10:43 AM
I did a test today and it appears to be fixed. Can anyone else confirm that this appears to be working correctly; you can reply from either Reply button and the post will nest correctly?Thank you,Kare...
Feb 23, 2023 16:20 PM
I did some testing today and it seems to be nesting the reply no matter which reply button I use. So I believe the issue is resolved but wanted to see what others were experiencing.Thank you,Karen
Feb 23, 2023 16:19 PM
This is a known issue. the engineers are working on it. We are wondering if there are any updates on this issue. Thank you,Karen Matson
Jan 20, 2023 09:40 AM

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