Mike Sherman
Community Participant
Aug 14, 2017 7:21:40 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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The current passback to infinite campus only supports assignment level passback.
This is a cumbersome, redundant, and inefficient process for teachers.
It forces teachers to operate in two gradebooks....
We pretty much have the same questions, and the advice here is good.
I am hoping there is some way to develop a way to pass outcome/learning mastery grades back to the SIS.
Regardless of the work arou...
We have developed a script that allows for the nightly update of the current grade to infinite campus. This script however still requires teachers to manual post a final grade in infinite campus. Lite...
We are thinking it might be simpler to only pass-back the current overall course grade in Cavnas to Infinite Campus (without assignment scores)Is this possible?
we need to be able to provide feedback on the current incomplete grade passback option. Currently it eliminates options for teachers to differentiate assignments and will not support standards communi...
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we need to be able to provide feedback on the current incomplete grade passback option. Currently it eliminates options for teachers to differentiate assignments and will not support standards communi...
We pretty much have the same questions, and the advice here is good.
I am hoping there is some way to develop a way to pass outcome/learning mastery grades back to the SIS.
Regardless of the work arou...
Allison I learned about this theme while talking to another canvas rep last week at InstructureCon.
If it is not too late we would love to be able to contribute to the discussion.
I met countless othe...
We are taking a serious look at implementing Elevate alongside of our existing Canvas LMS implementation.One of the big factors that we are exploring is whether we can share elevate reports with stude...
The integration with PeopleSoft is exactly what we are looking for.
Except that it has to exist for Infinite Campus. In our state, Iowa, we are limited to using a state approved vendor. Infinite Campu...
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