David Schmidt
Community Member
Feb 3, 2022 12:40:05 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Makes sense that its a no submission assignment, but how could a no submission assignment restrict me from moving forward in the course? Still waiting to hear back from the professor.
Can assignments be time sensitive? Trying to figure out why the 1.1.1 Introduction would show completed but the other 4 reading assignments don't. I have opened each section.
Hopefully these screen grabs will help. I have viewed every assignment before this one on different browsers. I'm not sure why they don't show a "viewed" checkmark.
I need to complete this assignment to move on to the next module. I don't see any options to submit this assignment. The due date is more than a month away, so I should be in the submission window...
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Makes sense that its a no submission assignment, but how could a no submission assignment restrict me from moving forward in the course? Still waiting to hear back from the professor.
Can assignments be time sensitive? Trying to figure out why the 1.1.1 Introduction would show completed but the other 4 reading assignments don't. I have opened each section.
Hopefully these screen grabs will help. I have viewed every assignment before this one on different browsers. I'm not sure why they don't show a "viewed" checkmark.
I need to complete this assignment to move on to the next module. I don't see any options to submit this assignment. The due date is more than a month away, so I should be in the submission window...
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