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Mar 4, 2022 7:46:01 AM
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Any idea of when we can set all of our blackout dates at the sub-account/account level instead of setting blackout dates individually for courses?
It would be nice if there was a way to enter multiple...
Currently, when we click on Pace Reporting, each student has a link to the Home page in the course. Our instructors think it would be more helpful for the link there to go directly to that student...
Ideally for us, we would like a teacher to set how many hours it should take for a student to complete each module. The teacher could then input the number of hours that a student is in class each da...
When a student submits multiple times to an assignment, there should be an option to include their previous submissions as well.
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Ideally for us, we would like a teacher to set how many hours it should take for a student to complete each module. The teacher could then input the number of hours that a student is in class each da...
Any idea of when we can set all of our blackout dates at the sub-account/account level instead of setting blackout dates individually for courses?
It would be nice if there was a way to enter multiple...
When a student submits multiple times to an assignment, there should be an option to include their previous submissions as well.
Currently, when we click on Pace Reporting, each student has a link to the Home page in the course. Our instructors think it would be more helpful for the link there to go directly to that student...
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