
Community Member
Mar 8, 2022 10:53:13 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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We noticed a side-effect of this change in our BETA environment.Prior to this change, if we created a NEW COURSE (via GUI) the API /api/v1/courses/:course_id would return "public_syllabus": fa...
Likes: 2
I was just trying this out.  Was wondering if there was a sneak path via the mobile apps (Canvas Instructor, Student). If I have two email addresses,  you can see both under Settings > Email Notifi...
Likes: 0
Tested data-access-platform-cli v.3.1.4 on MacOSX, and it ran as expected.  So it does seem to be a Windows-issue with  v.3.1.4 
Likes: 0
We're finally getting back to setting up CD2. A year ago, when we tested it, we were using data-access-platform-cli 3.0.0.That version is no longer available on npm; most recent is v 3.1.4.However...
Likes: 0
We have a similar issue; when creating a user via API , we can set: user[skip_registration] : truecommunication_channel[skip_confirmation] : true However. update user[email] does not have those same f...
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Most Recent Posts

I was just trying this out.  Was wondering if there was a sneak path via the mobile apps (Canvas Instructor, Student). If I have two email addresses,  you can see both under Settings > Email Notifi...
Jul 07, 2023 12:55 PM
We noticed a side-effect of this change in our BETA environment.Prior to this change, if we created a NEW COURSE (via GUI) the API /api/v1/courses/:course_id would return "public_syllabus": fa...
Oct 04, 2022 14:36 PM
Tested data-access-platform-cli v.3.1.4 on MacOSX, and it ran as expected.  So it does seem to be a Windows-issue with  v.3.1.4 
May 02, 2022 18:12 PM
We're finally getting back to setting up CD2. A year ago, when we tested it, we were using data-access-platform-cli 3.0.0.That version is no longer available on npm; most recent is v 3.1.4.However...
May 02, 2022 14:54 PM
We have a similar issue; when creating a user via API , we can set: user[skip_registration] : truecommunication_channel[skip_confirmation] : true However. update user[email] does not have those same f...
Mar 08, 2022 11:56 AM

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