
Darrin Fletcher
Community Explorer
Jun 2, 2022 11:30:59 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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The reason it wasn't correcting was that the teacher had edited that page and my blueprint sync wasn't able to correct it.  
Likes: 2
Okay, I see what it's doing now.  You're right, that way of linking does work.  it's all the data-api  stuff that is added to the link that makes is relative to users in other courses. Tha...
Likes: 2
Are you saying I can no longer link videos from YouTube of Vimeo to my assignment?  I have to us Studio?  If so, that's truly lame.
Likes: 0
I have a student who was invited to a program.  He clicked the enroll button and now says he never got the account verification email.  Now He's in limbo, trapped between having full access to his...
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I have a blueprint course associated to about 50 other courses.  One of the teachers has edited their home page and now my blueprint syncs won't update his changed pages.  Is there anyway to force...
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Most Recent Posts

Are you saying I can no longer link videos from YouTube of Vimeo to my assignment?  I have to us Studio?  If so, that's truly lame.
Mar 13, 2024 13:17 PM
I have a student who was invited to a program.  He clicked the enroll button and now says he never got the account verification email.  Now He's in limbo, trapped between having full access to his...
Sep 09, 2022 13:43 PM
The reason it wasn't correcting was that the teacher had edited that page and my blueprint sync wasn't able to correct it.  
Sep 06, 2022 13:59 PM
I have a blueprint course associated to about 50 other courses.  One of the teachers has edited their home page and now my blueprint syncs won't update his changed pages.  Is there anyway to force...
Sep 06, 2022 07:25 AM
Okay, I see what it's doing now.  You're right, that way of linking does work.  it's all the data-api  stuff that is added to the link that makes is relative to users in other courses. Tha...
Sep 06, 2022 06:08 AM

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