
Peter Sherman
Community Member
Oct 1, 2022 8:09:23 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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If I copy it into the same course will it be assigned another name, or do I have the option of renaming it?
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Thanks! It's better than nothing. The thing is that I have 200 students. Going through each on Speed Grader would take a lot of time. Much easier if I just had both sets of scores.My alternative w...
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PSA: I'm a newbe to Canvas.I would like to repost a completed quiz and give students another shot at it. However, I would like to retain their scores to both attempts. Can I do this by, say, copyi...
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I recently gave a quiz question that required computation of the negative of the square of a number. For example, the formula I entered was -b^2. The normal protocol is to perform the power operation ...
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If I copy it into the same course will it be assigned another name, or do I have the option of renaming it?
Oct 25, 2022 14:24 PM
Thanks! It's better than nothing. The thing is that I have 200 students. Going through each on Speed Grader would take a lot of time. Much easier if I just had both sets of scores.My alternative w...
Oct 25, 2022 09:34 AM
PSA: I'm a newbe to Canvas.I would like to repost a completed quiz and give students another shot at it. However, I would like to retain their scores to both attempts. Can I do this by, say, copyi...
Oct 24, 2022 23:06 PM
I recently gave a quiz question that required computation of the negative of the square of a number. For example, the formula I entered was -b^2. The normal protocol is to perform the power operation ...
Oct 24, 2022 22:26 PM

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