Brittney VornDick
Community Member
Mar 17, 2023 8:18:11 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Problem statement:
When I look at attendance for big blue button it lists the names of my students by first name alphabetically, is there a way to make it list by last name? When I try to enter in the...
Problem statement:
When you download Survey data, The title is a generic "Survey Name of Survey Student Analysis Report". When you are downloading multiple courses worth of data, it is dauntin...
I conduct several different surveys in different classes, when I download the data the file gives the same name "Survey Name of Survey". SUGGESTION: Can the name of file be changed to "Sur...
There needs to be a feature that when instructors go to roster they can click a button for more time for assignments for certain students. Could ask which assignments (check boxes) and if it needs do...
Most Recent Posts
Problem statement:
When I look at attendance for big blue button it lists the names of my students by first name alphabetically, is there a way to make it list by last name? When I try to enter in the...
Problem statement:
When you download Survey data, The title is a generic "Survey Name of Survey Student Analysis Report". When you are downloading multiple courses worth of data, it is dauntin...
I conduct several different surveys in different classes, when I download the data the file gives the same name "Survey Name of Survey". SUGGESTION: Can the name of file be changed to "Sur...
There needs to be a feature that when instructors go to roster they can click a button for more time for assignments for certain students. Could ask which assignments (check boxes) and if it needs do...
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