[Classic Quizzes] Naming Downloaded Data

Problem statement:

When you download Survey data, The title is a generic "Survey Name of Survey Student Analysis Report". When you are downloading multiple courses worth of data, it is daunting to rename each file for each semester and course. Especially since when you are looking at your screen the name at the top that shows your tabs, gives the generic name for the course which I may have several sections on. (eg General Physics 1>Quizzes>Textbook Survey> Statistics, I have both online and in person versions of these courses so different sites and the name is the same up there. )

Proposed solution:

I recommend that when you download the data from surveys the name should be "Name of Survey_Semester and Year_Class" eg. "TextbookSurvey_FA23_PHY101-100" or something similar. That way it is easier to download the files to your computer and it is already organized. It will decrease error on the downloader's part.

User role(s):


1 Comment
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Will Not Consider

As our product teams are no longer developing new functionality on the code base for Old (Classic) Quizzes, we've moved this idea to the Will Not Consider Status.

The resources in the New Quizzes Hub should help you get started with using the new quiz tool in your courses. If you don't see the ability to enable New Quizzes in the settings area of one of your courses, please reach out to your local Canvas admin for information about its availability at your school.