Jen Williamson
Community Member
Apr 13, 2023 7:25:41 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Problem statement:
The only way to create a multi-part questions is by using a stimulus with instructions saying to use part a to answer part b. However, in ELA, we often have a text (short story, art...
Another solution would be to allow Fill-in-the-Blank questions to have multiple blanks and have the option to award partial credit per blank. For example, if there are 3 blanks (with a word bank), and...
Problem statement:
Only having the drop-down option for matching questions makes it difficult for students to see if they have already used an answer, and it looks messy when you have more than 3 term...
Problem statement: When you go to item analysis, we can see what percentage of students chose individual answers, but there is no report feature that will show each individual student's answer per...
I'm using New Quizzes. Fill-in-the-blank does not have the option for partial credit like matching does, and matching does not have a word bank option.
Most Recent Posts
Problem statement:
The only way to create a multi-part questions is by using a stimulus with instructions saying to use part a to answer part b. However, in ELA, we often have a text (short story, art...
Another solution would be to allow Fill-in-the-Blank questions to have multiple blanks and have the option to award partial credit per blank. For example, if there are 3 blanks (with a word bank), and...
Problem statement:
Only having the drop-down option for matching questions makes it difficult for students to see if they have already used an answer, and it looks messy when you have more than 3 term...
Problem statement: When you go to item analysis, we can see what percentage of students chose individual answers, but there is no report feature that will show each individual student's answer per...
I'm using New Quizzes. Fill-in-the-blank does not have the option for partial credit like matching does, and matching does not have a word bank option.
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