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This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas
Problem statement:
Enabling or disabling a large number of API Scopes through the c
Was there a bug here perhaps? We've been deploying with Client IDs to subaccounts for quite some time.
Inherited LTI keys are nice because there's no need to manage LTI configuration settings. However, there is no way to manage whether individual placem
Thanks Peter! I do see the identity claims coming across now. I must not have chosen Public when I initially created the LTI Developer Key, so it make
I have a few questions about LTI 1.3 Developer Key setup. User Identity Claims It seems that some of the OpenId Connect Standard Claims are not be
I found it by searching through the various Tools that had been created in the Reference Implementation, and found one that "Joe Canvas Test" had set
To answer my own question, I think I've found the JWK Set URL: or https://canvas.beta.instru
Hi Linda, Do you know what the correct Platform JWK Set URL to use for Canvas? I've configured a Platform in the IMS LTI 1.3 Reference Implement
Is there a JSON Schema for validating the configuration files that you could point me to?
Is there any documentation about using LTI 1.3 / LTI Advantage with Canvas? There's a feature option to turn it on in our beta environment but beyond