
Kerry Connolly
Community Member
Oct 29, 2023 7:49:38 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I have just copy a template course and in the process of editing it. It's not coming up on my dashboard and when I click on All subjects, all of my courses have a little square in front of their n...
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Thank you so much for this. It does give me a start. However, our teachers need to insert their own links to Padlets and various other things, so may need to edit some pages. They also may want to cha...
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I write courses for other teachers. I want them to be able to copy my courses but not be able to edit the master copy. Can this be done?
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Most Recent Posts

I have just copy a template course and in the process of editing it. It's not coming up on my dashboard and when I click on All subjects, all of my courses have a little square in front of their n...
May 30, 2024 17:48 PM
Thank you so much for this. It does give me a start. However, our teachers need to insert their own links to Padlets and various other things, so may need to edit some pages. They also may want to cha...
Oct 29, 2023 23:09 PM
I write courses for other teachers. I want them to be able to copy my courses but not be able to edit the master copy. Can this be done?
Oct 29, 2023 20:52 PM

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