
Colin Ulin
Nov 27, 2023 1:40:38 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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From Canvas Partner support when I asked about app center LTI 1.3 support: > We will be investing in our install process this year, including a new app library experience which will support LTI 1.3...
Likes: 1
Ugh that lack of 1.3 access is really frustrating but also explains why adding an app via link through Settings > Apps expects an XML type config. Do you know how Partner apps tie into all of this?...
Likes: 1
Did you ever get an answer? The ISS is the same for all managed instances of Canvas (canvas.instructure.com), but it's different for self-hosted instances.
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This seems like an obvious question so apologies if I've missed the documentation, but I can't figure out how one gets an app added to the Canvas App Store (i.e., the list of apps shown when y...
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Alright it turns out you need to pass `windowTarget: "_blank"` in the content_items object as opposed to what I was passing and what is documented in the IMSGlobal docs. This different...
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Most Recent Posts

Did you ever get an answer? The ISS is the same for all managed instances of Canvas (canvas.instructure.com), but it's different for self-hosted instances.
Jul 16, 2024 11:44 AM
From Canvas Partner support when I asked about app center LTI 1.3 support: > We will be investing in our install process this year, including a new app library experience which will support LTI 1.3...
Jan 16, 2024 13:50 PM
Ugh that lack of 1.3 access is really frustrating but also explains why adding an app via link through Settings > Apps expects an XML type config. Do you know how Partner apps tie into all of this?...
Jan 11, 2024 07:16 AM
This seems like an obvious question so apologies if I've missed the documentation, but I can't figure out how one gets an app added to the Canvas App Store (i.e., the list of apps shown when y...
Jan 10, 2024 12:32 PM
Alright it turns out you need to pass `windowTarget: "_blank"` in the content_items object as opposed to what I was passing and what is documented in the IMSGlobal docs. This different...
Dec 05, 2023 13:25 PM

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