Activity Feed
- Liked Allow 'Treat ungraded as 0' in New Gradebook for jeremy_stevens. 06-26-2020 07:04 PM
- Liked [Mobile - Canvas Teacher] Modules tab in Canvas Teacher app for jeremy_stevens. 08-23-2018 10:04 AM
- Liked Override final grade for johnpj. 03-22-2018 01:49 PM
- Liked [Rubrics] Editing Capabilities for Rubrics for Chris_Hofer. 12-14-2017 10:51 AM
- Liked [ARCHIVED] Canvas DocViewer Arbitrarily Changes Fonts and Formatting, Rendering it Useless for cmount. 10-26-2017 09:27 AM
- Liked Change the quill icon to a pencil icon for Compose a new message for eholtmann. 10-05-2017 09:45 AM
- Liked Student view: View submissions and comments for all submissions for kona. 08-07-2017 09:57 AM
- Liked DocViewer Instructor Feedback Download for bhuggins. 08-07-2017 09:55 AM
- Liked Override / Adjust the Final Grade for garth. 06-09-2017 11:09 AM
- Liked Make "Preview the document" the default action for linked documents for hensonj. 07-08-2016 02:13 PM
- Liked Copy content into multiple courses at once for seth. 03-04-2016 09:46 AM
- Liked Making feedback more visible to students for dfdimatt. 03-04-2016 09:44 AM
- Liked Make Attendance Visible to Students for judyk. 03-04-2016 09:40 AM
- Liked Allow students to View Feedback from the Grades page for jhurley. 03-04-2016 09:39 AM
- Liked [Inbox] Email (message) multiple classes at one time for emalates. 03-04-2016 09:25 AM
- Liked Upload an image directly to a discussion as a student for seth. 03-03-2016 11:04 AM
- Liked view access by file or item, not user for mcdowela. 03-01-2016 11:21 AM
- Liked Create a more simple, intuitive way to offer Extra Credit for kakanczu. 03-01-2016 10:42 AM