Traci Gardner
Community Participant
Mar 3, 2016 12:11:10 AM
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Traci Gardner, known as "tengrrl" on most networks, teaches in the professional and technical writing program in the Department of English at Virginia Tech. She writes lesson plans, classroom resources, and professional development materials for English language arts and college composition teachers. She is the author of Designing Writing Assignments. Her technical writing resources are available at http://tracigardner.github.io/TechComm.
Most Liked Posts
In my case, there are more than enough points to allow students to choose the activities that fit with their interests and learning preferences. That means that the percentages never work. I think you...
I'd like to post a blog rss feed on a page in my Canvas course, but I can't find anything that is both free and that works. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Hi, Thanks for this update. I think I have a related question. Yesterday and earlier in the last week, I could edit the HTML in New Quizzes. Today I can't find the button to edit HTML anywhere in ...
I'm using an ungrading-style course where students compile points toward the grade they set as their goal. I figured out how to get the accumulated points to show in the gradebook, and I realized ...
YES!!! Thank you @TrishaMeyer1 ! I think this solution will work. I knew there had to be another way to think things through. Testing it now. You helped me so much.Traci
Most Recent Posts
I'd like to add deadlines and due dates for assignments and quizzes to the group calendar for every group in a group set in my course. Even though these assignments and discussions are assigned to...
Thanks for all these tips, @paul_fynn! I'm finding loads of "bad" files and images that I never used, which were imported from other courses by other people. At least these are easy to...
Thanks, @Jeff_F. That's what I was looking for (and not finding).
Hi everyone,
I'm looking for basic documentation for the Ally Course Accessibility Report. I have some basic questions that I'm trying to find answers for, but I can't find anything other ...
Thanks @ProfessorBeyrer! Glad to know I'm not alone. I played around with the issue some more last night, and I've found a work-around.
Canvas is using links that only work in Canvas. For...
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