Lynz Wilmshurst
Community Explorer
Learning & Development Manager
Jan 29, 2024 11:49:47 AM
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Passion for challenged learners hence why I am using Canvas. Work at Skills4Work developing online programmes using video, audio and VR. Would like to incorporate AI support for learners too.
Most Liked Posts
Yep I am the account admin, course builder and everything else 😁
I have been chatting to my Boss about this and the students are using AI to translate into their language to be able to understand the question. Then they just carry on using AI to get the answers and...
Hello there,
I have a few quizzes that, have incomplete grading notes that our contract markers rely on for marking. Is there any way grading notes can be added to an already published quiz with stude...
Oh Yes - I forgot about the TA position!
Thank you Noah. I will read up on that as we dont want the supervisors to mark or change grades.
I am doing this by myself here at my work as there is no one e...
Hi There again
Thanks for the quick reply.
When you say "enroll the supervisor into your course", you mean to enrol them as an Observer don'y you, NOT a teacher, right?
Most Recent Posts
Hello there,
I have a few quizzes that, have incomplete grading notes that our contract markers rely on for marking. Is there any way grading notes can be added to an already published quiz with stude...
Yep I am the account admin, course builder and everything else 😁
Oh Yes - I forgot about the TA position!
Thank you Noah. I will read up on that as we dont want the supervisors to mark or change grades.
I am doing this by myself here at my work as there is no one e...
I have been chatting to my Boss about this and the students are using AI to translate into their language to be able to understand the question. Then they just carry on using AI to get the answers and...
Hi There again
Thanks for the quick reply.
When you say "enroll the supervisor into your course", you mean to enrol them as an Observer don'y you, NOT a teacher, right?
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