
Mary Garcia Charumilind
Community Novice
Apr 24, 2018 6:08:28 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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We're doing this another way by nesting our grading criteria as Outcomes within Outcome Groups that are used for assessment (and accreditation), and then building the rubric entirely out of Outcom...
Likes: 3
Some content in this document contradicts recent release notes. Namely, whether Outcomes are or are not included in Canvas Data.See https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-8513#jive_content_id_What_d...
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Nice. That definitely sounds like a best practice, Katherine!For us, we just couldn't get past the points totaling confusion on rubrics that had both Outcomes and Criteria. That's why we'r...
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Most Recent Posts

Some content in this document contradicts recent release notes. Namely, whether Outcomes are or are not included in Canvas Data.See https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-8513#jive_content_id_What_d...
Feb 27, 2019 12:42 PM
Nice. That definitely sounds like a best practice, Katherine!For us, we just couldn't get past the points totaling confusion on rubrics that had both Outcomes and Criteria. That's why we'r...
Jul 16, 2018 07:22 AM
We're doing this another way by nesting our grading criteria as Outcomes within Outcome Groups that are used for assessment (and accreditation), and then building the rubric entirely out of Outcom...
Jul 09, 2018 11:57 AM

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