Sean Beirnes
Community Participant
Instructional Designer and LMS Administrator
Aug 21, 2024 5:58:18 PM
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I currently work as an Instructional Designer and LMS Administrator at a university in South Florida. I also develop Canvas enhancements and automation scripts. I have even made code contributions to the Canvas code base.
Most Liked Posts
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the "enhanceable_content" tabs solution is no longer officially supported by Instructure. These tabs widgets rely on jQuery, which has been a long-used...
Hi @Justin_Reynolds,
Unfortunately, I am fairly sure what you are trying to do is not possible. The Canvas iOS and Android apps are programmed in native operating system languages (Swift for iOS a...
Hello @karrjenny and @HStone74,
Have you tried reaching out to Canvas support about this? I am unaware of an option to do this but it could be hidden behind a menu somewhere. Another possibili...
I did not know Unity had a built-in tool for building SCORM packages. This is a nice piece of info to keep in mind if anyone ever wants to create something that needs to go beyond the offerings of Cap...
That is a good idea, @dtod! However, the nested CSS module is not yet compatible with all mobile browsers, especially Android, so it may be better to turn the selector into a one-liner like so:
Most Recent Posts
Hello @nick77,
Roll Call Attendance is an LTI app that was written by Instructure, and therefore, it is not part of the core Canvas API (see this post from 2023 for more information). I do not thi...
Hi @NatFeibish,
I second what @matthew_buckett wrote. Once you get past making cosmetic changes to the Canvas UI, custom JavaScript in your Canvas instance is usually not the best way to go, a...
Hi @Justin_Reynolds,
Unfortunately, I am fairly sure what you are trying to do is not possible. The Canvas iOS and Android apps are programmed in native operating system languages (Swift for iOS a...
Hello @PhillipJacobs,
It is entirely possible that Canvas is caching the GraphQL queries in Redis on the backend. I also know that Canvas uses Apollo for caching GraphQL queries on the client side...
Hello @karrjenny and @HStone74,
Have you tried reaching out to Canvas support about this? I am unaware of an option to do this but it could be hidden behind a menu somewhere. Another possibili...
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