
Rebecca Dondanville
Community Member
Sep 3, 2024 9:22:48 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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@PatriciaSH,  Where is this "add another standard" button?  I've created a dozen items in a test bank (all aligned with a single standard), and no where does an "add another" b...
Likes: 1
Hi.  Respectfully, this solution does not address the problem. While it is true that you can assign more than one standard to a question in a bank, when you add that question from the bank to an asses...
Likes: 0
Thanks, that's what I was afraid of.  With 6 different courses over 2 sets of state standards, it becomes quite tedious to name and find items (especially if trying to use MasteryConnect for more ...
Likes: 0
Is there a way to create sub-folders within your personal item bank?  I teach 6 different courses across 6 sets of standards and need to be able to organize items in my bank to find them again.  Right...
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When searching the entire Instructure community, I found a single post by a moderator that indicated you could assign more than one standard to an assessment item.  In that post, the moderator said th...
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Most Recent Posts

Hi.  Respectfully, this solution does not address the problem. While it is true that you can assign more than one standard to a question in a bank, when you add that question from the bank to an asses...
Nov 01, 2024 09:00 AM
Thanks, that's what I was afraid of.  With 6 different courses over 2 sets of state standards, it becomes quite tedious to name and find items (especially if trying to use MasteryConnect for more ...
Oct 09, 2024 11:54 AM
Is there a way to create sub-folders within your personal item bank?  I teach 6 different courses across 6 sets of standards and need to be able to organize items in my bank to find them again.  Right...
Sep 14, 2024 08:57 AM
When searching the entire Instructure community, I found a single post by a moderator that indicated you could assign more than one standard to an assessment item.  In that post, the moderator said th...
Sep 14, 2024 07:35 AM
@PatriciaSH,  Where is this "add another standard" button?  I've created a dozen items in a test bank (all aligned with a single standard), and no where does an "add another" b...
Sep 12, 2024 17:14 PM

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