Community Participant
Nov 29, 2018 6:49:12 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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I mean really. This has been on the "radar" and "list of options we want" since at least 2011!
The discussion board about "discussions" has been alive since 2015: https://com...
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?? - Module info that an Assignment is listed in is now GONE!
Your own documentation: (item #5 below) Indicates that is WAS there and SHOULD be there.
Thanks for the assist.
The documentation is not the problem. The problem is that someone in the system seems to have removed the excellent feature of the Module name being...
A top priority - in association with the QTI - is to be able to IMPORT questions / question banks from OTHER sources. We use Respondus quite a bit for this and it would be great if that continued, b...
NOT SOLVED. You have only replied to my concern and told me to contact support.
The issue of the Module Name missing from the Assignment is still an issue.
Please bring it back.
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LOVE IT! Where is the spreadsheet? can you share please?
More calls for this: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Discussions-Announcements/Multiple-Due-Dates-for-Discussion-Redesign/m-p/587317#M694
And this one: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Discussi...
I mean really. This has been on the "radar" and "list of options we want" since at least 2011!
The discussion board about "discussions" has been alive since 2015: https://com...
Problem statement:
It would be great to have more "file manager" like option in BANKS. I would like to sort and group my questions in the bank. Maybe create groups or folders of questions by c...
Problem statement:
Please make available a way to CREATE a quiz from a question or item bank - DIRECTLY. By selecting several or selected questions from a bank then clicking a button to "create qu...
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