Sarah Donahoe
Community Member
Aug 30, 2018 6:51:18 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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It's utterly infuriating that so many educators have this question and Canvas has done nothing to address it.
I have graded an assignment in Canvas and synced it to SIS. I would now like to delet...
Honestly y'all, at this point, I've moved on to using MasteryConnect whichis better in several key ways: 1. The data reports are MUCH better. 2. If a kid leaves your class, then you can st...
But we already spent so much money on Canvas. They need to fix this. It'sridiculous.
Thank you for your kind work. I'm sure that I'll use it!On Sat, Sep 21, 2019, 5:19 PM peterfoxflick@gmail.com <
Thank you! Does this mean that it won't work for quizzes.next?On Sat, Sep 21, 2019, 5:09 PM peterfoxflick@gmail.com <
Most Recent Posts
It's utterly infuriating that so many educators have this question and Canvas has done nothing to address it.
I have graded an assignment in Canvas and synced it to SIS. I would now like to delet...
I'm having the same issue as Rita, but I had loaded a conference up to be ready for my kids and they couldn't see the button to join me. I can't see it in my Student View either, even thou...
Honestly y'all, at this point, I've moved on to using MasteryConnect whichis better in several key ways: 1. The data reports are MUCH better. 2. If a kid leaves your class, then you can st...
But we already spent so much money on Canvas. They need to fix this. It'sridiculous.
Thank you for your kind work. I'm sure that I'll use it!On Sat, Sep 21, 2019, 5:19 PM peterfoxflick@gmail.com <
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