
Sandra Vierra
Community Member
Jan 18, 2018 8:47:01 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Sometimes lectures and labs are separate courses that receive separate grades on a transcript. A lot of times the lecture and lab is one grade. Labs, however, do not always align one-on-one with lectu...
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I am an instructor, but am currently talking a course on Canvas. It would be helpful if a student could mark up the text as they read and study module pages. This way they could reference it later wit...
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Most Recent Posts

Sometimes lectures and labs are separate courses that receive separate grades on a transcript. A lot of times the lecture and lab is one grade. Labs, however, do not always align one-on-one with lectu...
Aug 14, 2021 13:25 PM
I am an instructor, but am currently talking a course on Canvas. It would be helpful if a student could mark up the text as they read and study module pages. This way they could reference it later wit...
Aug 12, 2021 16:28 PM

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