
Community Participant
Dec 10, 2018 6:36:14 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

@Chris_Hofer Thanks so much for your response.  🙂
Likes: 2
Hi ericwerth‌.  Thanks for your reply.  We've been working in the Canvas test site and what we found is when an instructor uses the Find tool to pull in outcomes from the account level, they must ...
Likes: 1
For the guide - How do I view annotation feedback comments from my instructor directly in my assignment submission?How this works now is great because the feedback shows up automatically when the grad...
Likes: 0
It's interesting that this is not an option for outcomes, but it is in a course level rubric.  I've been given several suggestions, but they all seem clunky workarounds and each have their own...
Likes: 0
The problem I see with this is that you cannot set up ranges on account level outcomes.  It isn't an option for the outcome as far as I can tell. This is a huge issue on a particular rubric that o...
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Most Recent Posts

@Chris_Hofer Thanks so much for your response.  🙂
Aug 11, 2022 12:05 PM
For the guide - How do I view annotation feedback comments from my instructor directly in my assignment submission?How this works now is great because the feedback shows up automatically when the grad...
Aug 11, 2022 08:23 AM
It's interesting that this is not an option for outcomes, but it is in a course level rubric.  I've been given several suggestions, but they all seem clunky workarounds and each have their own...
May 20, 2022 07:21 AM
The problem I see with this is that you cannot set up ranges on account level outcomes.  It isn't an option for the outcome as far as I can tell. This is a huge issue on a particular rubric that o...
May 12, 2022 14:20 PM
When working with faculty on assessment, it is so important to be able to point out the benefits of the additional work involved in good assessment.  A crucial part of assessment is using data to make...
Aug 20, 2021 14:19 PM

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