
Annie Wallace
Community Novice
May 19, 2020 7:34:24 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Students need to be able to access assignments, especially when they are not able to be at school. We have an expectation that students do work when they are missing school. This would be a huge help. 
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Possibly add to this a way to also send notifications to parents emails (at least for middle school students). Perhaps it could be a parent email integrated in with Canvas. Not all parents want to be ...
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During this pandemic, many parents have asked if there is a way they can be notified directly when there child doesn't turn in an assignment. Parents are overwhelmed by the Canvas page as it is an...
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Most Recent Posts

Students need to be able to access assignments, especially when they are not able to be at school. We have an expectation that students do work when they are missing school. This would be a huge help. 
Apr 10, 2022 12:37 PM
Possibly add to this a way to also send notifications to parents emails (at least for middle school students). Perhaps it could be a parent email integrated in with Canvas. Not all parents want to be ...
May 26, 2020 17:07 PM
During this pandemic, many parents have asked if there is a way they can be notified directly when there child doesn't turn in an assignment. Parents are overwhelmed by the Canvas page as it is an...
May 20, 2020 14:15 PM

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