
Community Explorer
Aug 17, 2018 6:13:56 AM
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I maintain the SIS integration and provide IT support for teachers and students in our K12 online school.

Most Liked Posts

Hi Canvas wizards, I'm looking into Course Evaluation solutions for the virtual school that I work for. We want something that integrates with Canvas. I already found great discussions on here (li...
Likes: 1
Hello fellow educators! I'm part of an 8th-12th grade online school, and we're trying to give students more of a chance for community. We have Canvas discussion boards set up in each course fo...
Likes: 0
For the new Recent History feature, will that show activity that occurred when someone "acted as" the student?
Likes: 0
Hi Everyone,Now that the school year is over, I'm going through and double-checking our teacher's Gradebooks. Periodically, I find assignments with unposted grades. To find those assignments, ...
Likes: 0
Hi Folks,We're considering using Zoom for our weekly live classes (our K12 program is completely online). If we use the new Zoom LTI for Canvas, would each teacher need her own Zoom Pro account? (...
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Most Recent Posts

Hello fellow educators! I'm part of an 8th-12th grade online school, and we're trying to give students more of a chance for community. We have Canvas discussion boards set up in each course fo...
Jun 01, 2022 09:14 AM
Hi Canvas wizards, I'm looking into Course Evaluation solutions for the virtual school that I work for. We want something that integrates with Canvas. I already found great discussions on here (li...
Nov 17, 2021 13:38 PM
For the new Recent History feature, will that show activity that occurred when someone "acted as" the student?
Sep 22, 2020 07:45 AM
Hi Everyone,Now that the school year is over, I'm going through and double-checking our teacher's Gradebooks. Periodically, I find assignments with unposted grades. To find those assignments, ...
Jun 02, 2020 14:56 PM
Hi Folks,We're considering using Zoom for our weekly live classes (our K12 program is completely online). If we use the new Zoom LTI for Canvas, would each teacher need her own Zoom Pro account? (...
Oct 25, 2019 14:58 PM

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