
Community Participant
Mar 17, 2019 5:37:05 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

Hi Marissa, what's happening with exporting of grades? This is essential functionality and I had a question today about it being a key feature for continuing to use Classic Quizzes:Can export resu...
Likes: 4
We are in the process of moving to Folios (from older ePortfolios feature). Folios are not linked to courses, so Teachers cannot view student portfolios unless students provide the link to the Teacher...
Likes: 2
Good introduction to the Canvas native apps
Likes: 2
Problem statement: As an Admin when I am looking for courses to spot check I would like to be able to sort the list of courses displayed for a SubAccount by the number of students. I end up needing to...
Likes: 0
We also keep concluded courses at our institution and have been using Canvas since 2016. Students have read-only access to concluded courses. If we were going to change to a different retention model,...
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Most Recent Posts

Problem statement: As an Admin when I am looking for courses to spot check I would like to be able to sort the list of courses displayed for a SubAccount by the number of students. I end up needing to...
Apr 03, 2024 22:04 PM
We also keep concluded courses at our institution and have been using Canvas since 2016. Students have read-only access to concluded courses. If we were going to change to a different retention model,...
Sep 28, 2023 14:29 PM
We are in the process of moving to Folios (from older ePortfolios feature). Folios are not linked to courses, so Teachers cannot view student portfolios unless students provide the link to the Teacher...
Sep 28, 2023 14:20 PM
It would be great to have a glossary tool built into RCE/Canvas The example I saw today was when a Māori word is used in a sentence (or example whakamana) in describing a principle or activity would b...
Aug 22, 2022 19:38 PM
Hi Marissa, what's happening with exporting of grades? This is essential functionality and I had a question today about it being a key feature for continuing to use Classic Quizzes:Can export resu...
Jun 19, 2022 23:36 PM

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