Moses Wolfenstein
Community Participant
Distance Education Faculty Coordinator
Jul 2, 2019 4:08:56 PM
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I work at El Camino preparing our faculty to teach online and supporting them in expanding and extending their online teaching abilities. I am also the California Virtual Campus contact for our campus. I've been using Canvas since we first tried out Canvas Network at University of Wisconsin-Extension in 2014.
Most Liked Posts
I'm extremely disappointed that none of the top 3 vote getting themes were selected and that based on my read of this post they'll all be thrown back in the pool for voting. I understand that ...
There's been some effort to address this through communication (which I appreciate), but I think there was a lot of confusion on this because the Discussions Redesign was made available with a few...
@AllisonPittler You've asked for specific examples of where students are struggling with the redesign, but I want to emphasize that at my campus I have told faculty not to turn on the redesign...
When you are creating a page in Canvas, you can swap over to HTML to author the page if you know the appropriate markup. Markdown is a lighter weight approach to doing markup.I'm proposing the abi...
To pick up on @Sylvia_Ami's comment, we were told when the July enforcement date was announced that checkpoints would be released in Q1. Now, with no formal announcement it seems like that rel...
Most Recent Posts
For organizations with Studio will videos uploaded through the media player count towards course storage?
This isn't about the content of this post, but I wanted to mention that unlike the food nutrition facts image which is fully leigble, the AI Nutrition Facts image at the top of this page has a ver...
I recognize that the rationale here as indicated in the banner notification is that the redesign is generally available, but in case you haven't noticed there are some huge issues that people have...
Can I just start by saying that I appreciate how @benjamin_rodrig is starting with recognizing that there are some good features in the redesign? I get that there are some non-trivial issues, but ...
At the risk of overemphasizing the point, I'm writing to concur with @tvannorman and @cinman regarding the part about the rationale behind the initial rollout being the historical data ind...
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