Activity Feed
- Posted Re: New Quizzes: Allow Rich Content editing for fill in the blank on Canvas Ideas. 12-06-2020 07:39 PM
- Posted Re: Allow New Quizzes fill in the blanks to have multiple blanks on different lines on Canvas Ideas. 12-06-2020 07:36 PM
- Liked Re: how to copy a calendar event into another calendar for dr_sten. 09-27-2020 08:06 PM
- Posted Re: Let us schedule a Publish Date / Time for Content Pages on Canvas Ideas. 09-17-2020 06:33 AM
- Posted New Quizzes - Fill in the Blank matching on Archived Questions. 09-13-2020 04:55 PM
- Liked [Assignments] Delete submissions by students for amanda_liana_mc. 04-30-2020 09:12 PM
- Liked [Announcements] Announcements: Lock to home for joshua_cohen. 12-05-2019 08:50 AM
- Posted Re: Show all question details in quiz and question bank on Canvas Ideas. 09-11-2019 08:14 AM
- Liked [New Quizzes] Delete quiz attempts for ecastro. 09-04-2019 09:43 AM
- Liked Restrict assignment submission attempts for mribkoff. 08-30-2019 09:21 AM
- Liked Re: Canvas Formula Question: Setting decimal precision for wmadden. 08-21-2019 08:10 PM
- Liked [ARCHIVED] Canvas Formula Question: Setting decimal precision for alexking. 08-21-2019 08:08 PM
- Liked Re: Canvas Formula Question: Setting decimal precision for nikkimalatin. 08-21-2019 08:08 PM
- Liked [Modules] Stop Canvas Modules from Auto-Publishing All Content Inside a Module When a Module is Published for khearn1. 08-14-2019 02:42 PM
- Liked [ARCHIVED] How do I globally add points to an exam score (not a quiz) for elekes_8. 05-30-2019 04:46 PM
- Liked Re: How do I globally add points to an exam score (not a quiz) for rgoneal. 05-30-2019 04:46 PM
- Liked Let us schedule a Publish Date / Time for Content Pages for aungaro. 05-20-2019 09:15 PM