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Sep 15, 2019 3:34:52 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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never mind! I just figured it out. Go to the grade book, click on the three little dots beside the title of each assignment.
Is there a way to email "all students who have not submitted an assignment"? Obviously I can email students one by one, but I'm wondering whether there is a way to press a button that will...
Canvas support has this https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-select-a-grade-posting-policy-for-an-assignment-in-the/ta-p/574but I am a little upset right now -- it appears tha...
My problem was that the rubric had some of my "form" comments stored -- those comments that you save and copy /paste because they are needed on many papers. It turned out that these comments t...
I have just learned the hard way that if I use the stored comments feature when I'm filling out rubrics for student work, that these stored comments are made available to students who are peer rev...
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My problem was that the rubric had some of my "form" comments stored -- those comments that you save and copy /paste because they are needed on many papers. It turned out that these comments t...
I have just learned the hard way that if I use the stored comments feature when I'm filling out rubrics for student work, that these stored comments are made available to students who are peer rev...
Canvas support has this https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-select-a-grade-posting-policy-for-an-assignment-in-the/ta-p/574but I am a little upset right now -- it appears tha...
never mind! I just figured it out. Go to the grade book, click on the three little dots beside the title of each assignment.
Is there a way to email "all students who have not submitted an assignment"? Obviously I can email students one by one, but I'm wondering whether there is a way to press a button that will...
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