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Oct 23, 2019 6:02:20 AM
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This would be a great replacement for surveys in Classic Quizzes that won't have their functionality replaced by New Quizzes.
I believe I understand the content of this Admin Guide page: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Admin-Guide/How-do-I-manage-profile-pictures-for-users-in-an-account/ta-p/92
I only recently found this,...
My university is moving from a homegrown system to Canvas. However, lacking this particular feature is going to drive some of the faculty nuts. We just recently built the ability to have negative crit...
Simple question here but I can't find the answer anywhere. Do the SIS import csv files need to be named as the samples are (e.g. admins.csv)?
I'm looking to add a custom parameter to my institution's Piazza LTI integration. We're moving from another LMS to Canvas and we're trying to make sure we get as much of the same funct...
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This would be a great replacement for surveys in Classic Quizzes that won't have their functionality replaced by New Quizzes.
I believe I understand the content of this Admin Guide page: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Admin-Guide/How-do-I-manage-profile-pictures-for-users-in-an-account/ta-p/92
I only recently found this,...
I'm looking to add a custom parameter to my institution's Piazza LTI integration. We're moving from another LMS to Canvas and we're trying to make sure we get as much of the same funct...
Simple question here but I can't find the answer anywhere. Do the SIS import csv files need to be named as the samples are (e.g. admins.csv)?
Is it possible to set announcement dates via API? The reason I ask is that we are moving to Canvas from a home grown LMS which gave the students notifications when a course became available. We are tr...
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