
Community Member
Jun 29, 2020 12:13:57 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Please add this tool. It would make life so much easier for my first graders and for all elementary students. 6 year olds need to be able to take a picture of their work easily and submit. Families wo...
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  Can canvas please provide an easy way for my first graders to submit a photo of their work? All we want is for a camera option to appear and students be able to take a photo right the...
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Can canvas please provide an easy way for my first graders to submit a photo of their work? All we want is for a camera option to appear and students be able to take a photo right there and submit. Vi...
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Most Recent Posts

Please add this tool. It would make life so much easier for my first graders and for all elementary students. 6 year olds need to be able to take a picture of their work easily and submit. Families wo...
Sep 19, 2020 7:58:59 AM
  Can canvas please provide an easy way for my first graders to submit a photo of their work? All we want is for a camera option to appear and students be able to take a photo right the...
Sep 19, 2020 7:51:13 AM
Can canvas please provide an easy way for my first graders to submit a photo of their work? All we want is for a camera option to appear and students be able to take a photo right there and submit. Vi...
Sep 19, 2020 6:24:53 AM

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