
Ivan Diez de Marina
Community Novice
Apr 4, 2020 12:48:01 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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How can I hide an old course that I am not using any longer out of my Dashboard?Is it possible?Thanks   
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Thanks.I found a message that says that for any question of a linked bank of questions, if you change the question, that one won’t change in the quiz, just in the bank. So there’s nothing to do, but c...
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A quizz that I made had two questions wrong answerwed. Many students chosed the corret one and Canvas (ovbiously) graded them as incorrect. Even though I changed the question with the correct answer, ...
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I was suposse to recive a document from a group of students but, before I made the groups, a student uploaded de file and now, I can`t make the task to be given in groups.Is there any option to ca...
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Most Recent Posts

How can I hide an old course that I am not using any longer out of my Dashboard?Is it possible?Thanks   
Aug 04, 2020 10:19 AM
I was suposse to recive a document from a group of students but, before I made the groups, a student uploaded de file and now, I can`t make the task to be given in groups.Is there any option to ca...
Jun 16, 2020 07:58 AM
Thanks.I found a message that says that for any question of a linked bank of questions, if you change the question, that one won’t change in the quiz, just in the bank. So there’s nothing to do, but c...
Apr 11, 2020 10:57 AM
A quizz that I made had two questions wrong answerwed. Many students chosed the corret one and Canvas (ovbiously) graded them as incorrect. Even though I changed the question with the correct answer, ...
Apr 04, 2020 13:55 PM

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